Sunday, April 10, 2011

Well that was fast

This last week went by super fast. I can hardly believe March 29th was my last day of work and now i am in a hotel somewhere in Indiana trying to sleep and ready to get to Georgia tomorrow! Tomorrow we will most likely check out the top of Spinger Mountian, the AT Trailhead, take our begining photos, be sillly and then stay in the town one last night before we become one with nature.

Lets review what happened the last 12 days...
Quit my job, moved from MI to WI, went to two birthday parties, packed everything Elliott and I own, except our backpacks and hiking gear, into boxes, put those boxes in closets and corners, went through gear, hiked with nephews, dehydrated food, seperated food, packed food, hated to look at so much food, tested our rain gear, treated the tent, tried hanging out with what ever friends we could, sorry nikki, patti, erik and emery that i got sick and couldn't make it, figured out bills, figured out bank accounts, bought gear, realized getting gear is really expensive, weighed our packs, unpacked, repacked, hung out with family, went to pool with my brothers, sold Elliott's car- thanks Bork, had a going away party (thank you to everyone that could come elliott and i really appreciated seeing you all), went to church, got in a car and started to drive.... what a busy couple of days! I am really ready to slow down and smell the flowers... although after a couple of days with no showers i will probably just be smelling body oder - yuck.

Springer Mountian watch out! Here come Elliott, Dan and Karen ; ) 

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Walking by Lake Michigan

Walking by Lake Michigan