Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The end of this chapter

Ok so what a crazy summer.

First we quit our jobs to hike the AT with no plans - just hike until October 15th. Then we get a phone call about a possible job opportunity for me with The Escape (Christian Teen Center). I quit a job that I loved to hike the trail and now was being asked to apply for similar job, but closer to home and with the opportunity to share God's word with teens. We found this out just about a month in and were very hopeful about it. I knew that if the job were offered to me I would take it.  As summer grew hotter and the possibility of the new job seeming more and more likely we realized we would not be finishing this year. The idea of not finishing was sad to us, but we were both feeling like this is the direction God was leading us in and we are both very excited because I GOT THE JOB!!!! Overall, we hiked about 700 miles this summer and had a great time. It was very hard at times, it hurt, we were tired, we were hungry, but we met new friends, had great conversations, saw God's wonderful creation up close and personal, spent more time together in 3 months than most married couples get to spend together in a year (and liked it), we learned what the important things are in life and it was one of the best things we have ever done in our lives!

We plan to take time to section hike the rest of the trail throughout the next couple of years. Dan "Jackrabbit" Brunner is still out there with Maine on the brain. Elliott and I are praying for the safety of him and the other hikers still out there.

Thank you all for following and for your thoughts and prayers.

Oh P.S. we did not get to disc golf with the president, but when we went to see the White House there was a climbing wall set up, guess he knew we were coming :) Our trip to D.C. was great! Kim Kasprzak is a wonderful person and a fantastic host! We were honored that she let us stay with her. Liz and Dave Schwalenberg were also very good to us and we had a great time in Baltimore! There daughter Anna is adorable and Liz and Dave are amazing parents! 

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Walking by Lake Michigan

Walking by Lake Michigan