The library is closing soon so this will be a quick update.
(P.S. I have a much greater appreciation for libraries since we have started. They are so welcoming and open to letting strangers use their resources... i guess we forget this when we have everything we need in our homes.)
So the day we left Gatlinburg it rained on use. A super clod and blowing rain up on the mountains. Elliott and I hiked about 5 miles in it before we got to the shelter. We were pretty much soaked from head to toe, but luckily the people that got to the shelter before us had started a fire. We were not with any of the hikers we had met before and I was the only girl that night so finding a private place to change all of my soaking wet clothing was interesting. We both had dry clothes to sleep in and our sleeping bags stayed dry :)
The next day there was snow on the ground and the trees were covered in ice. It was beautiful! Hiking on the ridge we could see that the mountain tops were all wight, but just below 4,500 ft you could see there was no snow or ice. We hiked about 13 miles and were still at a pretty high elevation so we decided to press on to get to warmer temps. We hiked another 7 miles into Davenport Gap and were excited to see some of the friends we had made (i hugged then all because the crowd the night before were not my favorite people).
On May 5 we hiked only 10.7 miles and took our sweet time. We stopped at Standing Bear Hostile to get some snacks and have a cold soda (yummy- and i thought i was going to quit drinking soda... yeah right i need those calories and the sugar... maybe i'll quit when i get back). Standing Bear was pretty cool- it is an old farm transformed into a hostile. It seems like hikers stay there and then come back to visit or work.
For some crazy reason on May 6 Elliott and I hiked 23 miles. At 4:30 pm we made the decision to hike 4 more miles, which turned into 10 more. I guess when you can keep walking that is just what you do.
Today we only did 3 miles. We may stay in Hot Springs or we may move on- not sure yet. We will for sure go sit in a Hot Spring for a little while though.
Guess I am faster at typing then I thought...
Have a great Mother's Day tomorrow!
Oh Hi Mom (Reible and Kasprzak) - Happy Mother's Day <3
Very jealous of you guys. Sounds like an awesome trip. Check out this video -
yeah that video is pretty sweet. I can't imagine carrying a video camera like that the whole time.